Tuesday Tunes
It’s rare that I get too ill. So it certainly took my by surprise to be knocked on my posterior by a virus, from which I only just recovered in time for my gig yesterday. That’s why I’ve not posted a blog in a couple of weeks. But whatever doesn’t kill etc. I spent the majority of my couch-bound hours playing a Batman game. I’ve always been a fan of superheroes, and I can remember playing Robin to compliment my mates’ Batman when I was very young. Part of the Batman appeal, at least for me, is that he’s very focused and really knows who he is …
The Song(s)
Song: I Am Steve
Artist: STEVE
Album: Single - 2019 - Self Published(?)
Method of discovery: Spotify Discover
Theory: The song repeats a really strong I-vi-III-V progression throughout, and apart from the arpeggiated chords on the guitar, it’s that Major III that lends a strange quality to the sonic background. The lyrics are cleverly simplistic, and half of them are ‘Steve’. The great thing about the repetition of ‘Steve’ is that it emphasizes every other rhyming ‘e’ sound, particularly when a lot of them are placed on the stronger beats of the bar through the verses.
Research: STEVE is a re-branding of New-Wave-Punk band Republican Hair, even their old web address re-routes to a new Steve-y website. The associated social accounts are all now Steve. Steve really knows who he is, after all, they … is … Steve. One of the brains behind STEVE, and previously Republican Hair, is Luke Dick. Luke is the definition of a creative individual, having written music professionally for artists, for commercials, and even directing a documentary ‘Red Dog’ about the topless bar where he was raised.
Personal thoughts: This suits me right down to the ground. It’s quirky, musically busy without being overpowering, and it’s a damned ear-worm if I ever heard one. I prescribe to Luke’s thoughts that music stemming only from a ‘muse’ is pretentious, as I look at songwriting more as a muscle to be exercised and toned, and I feel like this sensibility trickles through STEVE. With the release of ‘I Am Steve’ only a couple of weeks ago (at time of posting) it’s yet to become certain whether the Steve-ening of everything is a permanent move, or simply a publicity stunt to coincide with the song. I, for one, hope that it sticks. Much like Batman, they really know who they are, because they are STEVE.
Give it a go: If you’d like to get to know a new Steve
Give it a miss: If there is no room for another Steve in your life
Spotify: Tuesday Tunes, I Am Steve by STEVE
Social: Website, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook
Other: Luke Dick’s Website, Article about Luke by the Oklahoman