Tuesday Tunes

I enjoy funny things. One of the funniest things I’ve seen is Dara O’Briain alienate half his audience by talking about video games, the routine is hilarious if you are into it but potential gibberish if you’re not. While the subject matter of today’s song has become more commonly popular than twenty, or even ten years ago, I’m certain that some people will have trouble understanding it. So it’s a good thing that it’s set to a familiar backing track …

The Song(s)
Song: Dm Road
Artist: Yahzick
Album: Single - 2019 - Mann Shorts Productions
Method of discovery: Friend Recommended

Theory: Copyright for a song (in general) is for the melody and the lyrics. This means that someone can’t reproduce or play a song, legally, without paying for it in some fashion. But there is a provision of law called Fair Use that means you can reasonably use enough of a song for analysis, commentary, education or similar. Another thing that falls under Fair Use is Parody, because Parody relies on reproduction of the original, and this is why it’s fine for someone like Weird Al Yankovic to make works of parody. (If you are interested in Copyright, then I suggest watching the movie ‘RiP: A Remix Manifesto’)

Research: Charles ‘Yahzick’ Bates’ earliest outing that I could find is The Tongue Tape. It’s still Hip-Hop/Rap, but is less concentrated toward a particular nerd-dom than his latest album Attack of Opportunity, which has more Dungeons & Dragons themed titles. Yahzick, the word, means tongue and is part of the English/Russian hybrid lexicon in ‘A Clockwork Orange’. Yahzick, the man, plays the Dungeon Master (DM) on the YouTube Channel of the Website of the Production Company, Mann Shorts.

Personal thoughts: I fear that this one might lose some people, much like O’Briain alienating his audience with a specific routine. But you know what, it’s been a weird weekend, and I need something funny. The purpose of this blog, in general, is to expose people to music that they might not hear normally. If you are interested in understanding the song in it’s entirety, then I think you need to be exposed to Dungeons and Dragons.

Give it a go: If like me five years ago, you’ve never played D&D, but have been interested.

Give it a miss: If you would rather stay in the tavern while your friends go adventuring.

Tuesday Tunes, Dm Road by Yahzick
Yahzick: The Tongue Tape, Twitter
Mann Shorts: Dm Road Video, Website
Other: Weird Al, Dara O’Briain routine, Rip: A Remix Manifesto

Geoffrey Rowe