I honestly can't remember a time without music. Photo by Klass Photography
Welcome to GeoffRoweMusic.com. It's about Geoff Rowe, and most directly, his Music. But you already knew that. So I figured this first post should be what you might not know about him, aside from my ability to switch perspective in the middle of his sentences. We are, after all, the same person.
I grew up on a small hobby farm near the Waikato River in New Zealand. Our family's home and annual road trips were full of singing, and being the youngest of four brothers I got the high parts. I honestly can't remember a time without music. So eventually I got into playing, first Piano, then Guitar, then dabbling in other instruments.
Then I began writing poetry, and it wasn't long until poems became lyrics. Eventually I began performing my music, and after high school decided to study Diplomas in Music Performance and Event Management.
If you've never listened to my songs before, click here! I've been described as singer/songwriter, lyrical pop/rock/folk. People who've heard my songs usually recommend "Tatooine". Let me know what you think of that, and the website.
If you'd like to get in touch, please do so!